by : David T. Sandwell and Walter H. F. Smith
Copyright 1996, David T. Sandwell
The tasks include:
- Accumulate all available depth soundings collected over the past 30 years. (funded by NSF)
- Use the short wavelength (< 160 km) satellite gravity information to interpolate between sparse ship soundings.
- Improve the resolution of the marine gravity field using enhanced estimates along repeat altimeter profiles together with the dense altimeter measurements.
- Refine/Improve bathymetric predictions using the improved resolution gravity field and also by investigating computer-intensive methods for bathymetric prediction such as inverse theory.
- Produce a Globe of the Earth similar to the globe of Venus prepared by the NASA Magellan investigation. This will also include the best available digital land data.

Figure 1. (top) Seafloor depth based on ETOPO-5 lacks the topographic expression of a 400 km long ridge as well as the rugged topography of the Eltanin and Udintsev Fracture Zone Systems. The ridge (53S, 140W, minumum depth 135 m) was first surveyed by a French expedition in December of 1995. These topographic features effect the flow of the the Antarctic Circumploar Current. (middle) Predicted seafloor depth based on ship soundings and declassified Geosat/GM data. The Sub-Antarctic Front (SAF-red) [Gille, 1994] passes directly over the NW-trending ridge. The Polar Front (PF) is centered on the 6000m deep valley of the Udintsev transform fault. (bottom) Ship soundings used in the bathymetric prediction. Predicted depths are constrained to agree with measured depths along these tracklines. Smith, W. H. F. and D. T. Sandwell, Bathymetric prediction from dense satellite altimetry and sparse shipboard bathymetry, J. Geophys. Res., 99, 21803-21824, 1994. Sandwell, D. T. and W. H. F. Smith, Marine Gravity from Geosat and ERS-1 Altimetry, J. Geophys. Res., in press (anonymous ftp baltica.ucsd.edu).

Figure 2 Tracks of stacked Geosat/ERM (17-day repeat cycle) (22.5-25 N), Geosat/GM (20-22.5 N), ERS-1 Geodetic Phase (168-day repeat cycle) (17.5-20 N) and stacked ERS-1 (35-day repeat) (15-17.5N). (bottom) Vertical gravity gradient (i.e., curvature of ocean surface) around Hawaii derived from all 4 data sets. Contours at 50 and 100 Eotvos units are shown to highlight seamount/island signatures. In the wavelength band 15 to 200 km, variations in gravity anomaly are highly correlated with seafloor topography. Since many southern ocean areas and some northern ocean areas are sparsely surveyed, these new satellite altimeter data reveal many previously unsurveyed features such as ridge axes, seamounts and fracture zones.

The conceptual approach is to use the sparse depth soundings to constrain the long-wavelength depth while the shorter-wavelength topography is predicted from the downward-continued satellite gravity measurements [Smith and Sandwell, 1994]. Over the short wavelength band, the topography/gravity ratio is regionally calibrated using available soundings.
We have found that major errors in the ETOPO-5 bathymetric model make it unsuitable for either constraining the long-wavelength depths or for calibrating the topography/gravity ratio. Thus for an accurate prediction, it is essential to go back to the raw ship soundings.

Data quality is the most important aspect of bathymetric prediction. High resolution satellite gravity data is needed not only to interpolate among the sparse soundings but also to identify which soundings are bad. Many soundings from remote areas of the oceans were collected before shipboard computers and satellite navigation were available. Moreover, all of the ship sounding data were collected over a 30 year period on a variety of ships from many countries and with many different chief scientists aboard. Thus the quality of the data is highly variable and many entire cruises or sections of cruises are bad [Smith, 1993]; only the most recent (since ~1987) GPS-navigated multibeam data are reliable. Typical errors include: navigation errors, digitizing errors, typographical errors due to hand entry of older sounding, reporting the data in fathoms instead of meters, incorrect sound velocity measurements and even computer errors in reading punch cards One bad section of a cruise in an isolated region will introduce a seafloor topographic feature that does not exist. Some named examples are the Islas Orcadas Seamounts in the Weddell Sea and the Novara Knoll in the Southern Indian Ocean [Canadian Hydrographic Service, 1984]. The high resolution gravity fields provides the information needed to assess the accuracy of the ship sounding data. Our approach is to identify the bad cruises through a comparison with an initial prediction based on the gravity and either eliminate them or attempt to fix problem areas (data rescue); rescue is especially important for soundings that fill a large data gap. We maintain 4 data bases of standard underway geophysical data (navigation, depth, gravity, and magnetics) in a GMTPLUS-format that is easily assessable through GMT routines. There is a lot of overlap among the data bases although each contains some unique cruises. Some statistics on the number of good and bad cruises in each data base follows
Good | Bad | |
WS | 2185 | 564 |
SIO | 1415 | 182 |
NGDC | 1253 | 813 |
BB | 125 | 848 |
WS - Wessel Smith data base which is a derivative of the original Lamont Data base.
SIO - Scripps data base, Geological Data Center.
NGDC - National Geophysical Data Center data base.
BB - Brownbook derivative of Lamont data base.
(WS and BB have some identical data so WS is searched first.)
The automation, maintenance, and rescue of the ship data is largely funded by the NSF Division of Ocean Sciences. In addition to these data we are preparing for the possible declassification of a the US Navy Ocean Survey data [Medea Report, 1995].
Data preparation and assembly is an ongoing process; the current data are sufficiently good to construct a global bathymetric grid. Here is one recipe (Nettleton's Method) that we are developing.
3) Form high-pass filtered gravity using the same Gaussian filter.
source : http://topex.ucsd.edu/marine_topo/text/topo.html
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