Access delay
Average requiered delay before being able to transfer a request to the satellite. Mostly depend on the control centers.
Acquisition capability
Average acquisition capacity according to on-board energy, downlink capacity and swath.
Along track
Dimension parallel to the path of the platform carrying the sensor
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Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales
Cross track
Dimension perpendicular to the path of the platform carrying the sensor.
Data rate
Link capacity available for payload communications
Decibel, an expression of power ratio
Digital Elevation Model A topographic surface arranged in a data file as a set of regularly spaced x, y, z coordinates where z represents elevation. A DTM represents the theoretical surface on the ground (without Building, Forest, ...) while a DEM represents the theoretical surface of high points.
Descending node
The point at which an orbit crosses the ecliptic plane going south
Design life
The design life of a component or product is the period of time during which the item is expected by its designers to work within its specified parameters; in other words, the life expectancy of the item.
German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft- und Raumfahrt)
A digital terrain model (DTM) is a topographic model of the bare earth that can be manipulated by computer programs. A DTM represents the theoretical surface on the ground (without Building, Forest, ...) while a DEM represents the theoretical surface of high points.
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Number of oscillations per unit time or number of wavelengths that pass a point per unit time.
Ground Sampled Distance
Horizontal Transmit - Horizontal Receive Polarization
Horizontal transmit - Vertical receive polarization
Simultaneous acquisition of images of the same area in many (usually 100 or more), narrow, contiguous, spectral bands.
Israeli Aircraft Industries
Institut G�ographique National
Angle defined by the incident radar beam and the vertical (normal) to the intercepting surface. In general, reflectivity from distributed scatterers decreases with increasing incidence angle.
The angular distance of the orbital plane from the plane of the planet's equator, stated in degrees.
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Joint Research Centre
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Multispectral. Sets of data obtained simultaneously, but each set obtained by sensing a different part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Sets of data obtained simultaneously, but each set obtained by sensing a different part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
National Space Development Agency of Japan. Merged in the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) since October 1, 2003.
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is a simple numerical indicator that can be used to analyze remote sensing measurements, typically but not necessarily from a space platform, and assess whether the target being observed contains live green vegetation or not.
Source : Wikipedia
Normalised Difference Water Index
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Noise equivalent sigma 0
A measure of the sensitivity of a given SAR
Orbit cycle
Time taken to re-visit the same spot above the earth's surface. The time taken to make a repeat measurement at a point on the earth's surface (revisit time) may be significantly reduced if the instrument has a wide swath width, depointing capabilities or if the point is at high latitude, where the orbit tracks are closer together.
Panchromatic refers to black and white imagery exposed by all visible light. However, panchromatic photography and digital imagery is often acquired using a minus blue filter to reduce the scattering that occurs in those blue wavelengths.
Panchromatic refers to black and white imagery exposed by all visible light. However, panchromatic photography and digital imagery is often acquired using a minus blue filter to reduce the scattering that occurs in those blue wavelengths.
Sensing equipment carried on a platform.
Period of revolution
Duration of one orbit around the Earth.
Rotates around the axis perpendicular to the orbital plane (E-W on the earth)
Polar Orbit
An orbit that passes close to the poles, thereby enabling a satellite to pass over most of the surface, except the immediate vicinity of the poles themselves.
Source : Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University
Polar Sun Synchronous
A polar orbit where the satellite always crosses the Equator at the same local solar time
A property of an electromagnetic wave that describes the locus of the electric field vector as a function of time.
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Remote sensing
The technique of collecting information from a distance. Most common mediums used are satellite imagery (and aerial imagery).
Revisit time
Average delay between two images of the same area. Depends on the latitude of the area, but also of some satellite specifications (altitude, depointing capacity)
Rotates around the axis tangent to the orbital plane (N-S on the earth)
Synthetic Aperture Radar
Satellite Pour l'Observation de la Terre
Sun-Synchronous Orbit
A polar orbit where the satellite always crosses the Equator at the same local solar time
Supermode is an image sampling process that yields a 2.5 m image from two 5 m black-and-white images acquired simultaneously
The width of the track covered by a sensing system. Also called the range.
Topographic map
Topographic maps, also called contour maps are maps that show topography, or land contours, by means of contour lines. Contour lines are curves that connect contiguous points of the same altitude (isohypse). In other words, every point on the marked line of 100 m elevation is 100 m above mean sea level.
U.S. Geological Survey
Vertical transmit - Horizontal receive polarization
Vertical transmit - Vertical receive polarization
Minimum distance between two events of a recurring feature in a periodic sequence, such as the crests in a wave. It is represented by the Greek letter lambda.
Source : CCRS
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