Bangladesh: Associate Professor Akhlaque Haque, Ph.D., at University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) will create the first comprehensive digital maps of Bangladesh's capital city, Dhaka. Haque is teaching graduate students at BRAC University in Dhaka to use GIS technology.
In October, he and the students, using Global Positioning System units, will travel around Dhaka collecting location-specific data on major roadways, railway stations, hospitals and other public service facilities. The team will then import the data into GIS software to create the digital map of the city. For one project, the team will determine alternative routes for entering and exiting the city during times of crises, including natural disasters such as the recent floods.
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Technorati Tags: GIS Software, Regional GIS, GIS News
In October, he and the students, using Global Positioning System units, will travel around Dhaka collecting location-specific data on major roadways, railway stations, hospitals and other public service facilities. The team will then import the data into GIS software to create the digital map of the city. For one project, the team will determine alternative routes for entering and exiting the city during times of crises, including natural disasters such as the recent floods.

Technorati Tags: GIS Software, Regional GIS, GIS News
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